The Chemistry of Cocktails: CHASER Review
Click here to Read CHASER for free on GlobalComix
The phrase “Drinking steals happiness from tomorrow” cuts like a utility knife in CHASER, an 8-page comic by Heather Vaughan, Alex Breen, Lucas Gattoni, Sonia Harris and Claire Napier. Recently released for free on the Global Comix platform, this potent concoction has been mixed, shaken, and garnished to near perfection by a team of expert “mixologists”.

Clean and polished where it needs to be, and rough and scratchy everywhere else, CHASER tells a brief and turbulent story about a drinker down on more than his luck. As a writer who hews closely to the “everything gets worse” story structure, I smell my own kind, and what Alex, Heather, and team have served up here compels me to refine my own formulas. It’s that good.
Like the best prepared cocktails, you’re too busy enjoying the flavor to notice the intoxicating effects. We’re treated to a symphony of talents working in tandem to create something that’s at once incredibly unique, and disturbingly familiar. A monkey’s paw story that intrigues as it deafens the reader through incredibly effective art direction.
CHASER is available on the GlobalComix platform, and you can learn more about it here.

Love is a (Motorcycle Jousting) Battlefield – S.I.R. 1 & 2 Review
Fate brutally separated Avery Sakai from her girlfriend Nico Xing, but acceptance to the Bridleham Academy might be just the thing to bring them back together. But shockingly, Nico’s extracurriculars are the last thing Avery expected from her.
Now, to win a second chance at love, Avery will need to throw herself into the violent but captivating world of the underground motorcycle jousting fight club known only as SEISMIC IRONCLASH ROULETTE! – Boom! Studios
Fell Hound is no stranger to captivating the attention of the indie comics community. Her Kickstarter successes (Commander RAO, And We Love You) did more than just surpass funding goals, they created a signature vibe that would follow Ms. Hound around until she made her (inevitable) break into the mass market.

If you’ve been familiar with Fell’s signature blend of super-action and star crossed lovers, then it will please you to know that her first series with Boom! Studios imprint Boom! Box is dripping with the same yearning and tension. And while the pages of S.I.R are just as bombastic and action packed as you’d expect- there are clear signs of growth and refinement in her formula. The action choreography is tighter. The dialogue is more effectively dramatic.And together it all adds up to the best book Fell hound has done so far.
Eleonora Bruni’s colors are a perfect match for the artwork, and a tonal match for S.I.R’s mood. Becca Carey is a natural with S.I.R’s letters, and editor Elizabeth Brei has navigated a successful path for one of the most original concepts from a major publisher this year.
S.I.R (Seismic Ironclash Roulette) #2 is on sale right now at your LCS. You can also check the Boom! Studios site for details and ordering information.

Next week I will celebrate my birthday, and I have been advised that to properly enjoy it, I should refrain from all of the “work” I normally do. So while I spend this forced respite attempting to finish off Dune: Chapterhouse*, rest assured that the next Blind Box will creep into your inbox on October 4th, and then every two weeks after that.
*mentioned purely so I could post this: